Mailbox Friends

Keith Bates's Postal Art Site

Cameraderie – Mailartist Photoportraits

Photoportrait Gallery 2006-2010

The Cameraderie Project was set up in 2006 and the photographs submitted were displayed as a Flash slideshow for four years. Sadly, the slideshow has now had to be dismantled, but the entire collection of 428 photographs of mailartists from around the world is available below for unrestricted use.

Download the Cameraderie Photographs

The Cameraderie albums are freely available as a zipped archive -

The Dead Dodo Club

A while ago, Ruud Janssen sent out a list of mailartists who have passed away, and the list below is being periodically updated to give an increasingly comprehensive picture of our noble predecessors. The downloadable Cameraderie archive contains many photographs of mailartists who have left their mark on the mailwaves and are no longer with us.

Bela Egyedi, Canada, died November 1982
Joseph Beuys, Germany, 12.5.1921 - 25.1.1986
Robert Filliou, France, 17.1.1926 - 1987
Michael Scott, England, 1934 - 5.1.1988
Adriano Spatola, Italy, 1941 - 1988
Aart van Barneveld, Holland, died c.1988
Mike Bidner, Canada, 31.8.1944 - 5.4.1989
Karsten Matthes, Germany, 1959 - 20.4.1989
Ulises Carrion, Mexico/Holland, 1941 - 6.10.89
Mario Grandi, Italy, 1928 - 8.12.1989
Damaso Ogaz, Venezuela, 17.8.1924 - 14.3.1990
Leonida L Botich, Yugoslavia, died April 1990
Guglielmo Achille Cavellini, Italy, 11.9.1914 - 23.10.1990
Achim Weigelt, Germany, 30.4.65 - 30.11.1990
Luciana Arbizzan, Italy, died 1991
Arto Kytohonka, Finland, died 16.2.1992
Ivica Culjak Kecherti, Croatia, died Dec 1992
Don Rout, England, 7.7.1929 - Nov 1992
Heino Otte, Germany, died 14.5.1993
Dragan Krizic, Bosnia-Herzegovina, died Jun 1993
Bruno Pecchioli, Italy, died 19.8.1993
Robert Rehfeldt, Germany, 5.1.1931 - 28.9.1993
Minoru Nishiki, Japan, died 14.1.1994
Jean Brown, USA, 1911 - May 1994
Slavko Matkovic, Yugoslavia, died 2.11.1994
Ray Johnson, USA, 16.10.1927 - 13.1.1995
Guillermo Deisler, Germany, 1940 - 21.10.1995
Pat Larter, Australia, died 14.10.1996
Eric Finlay, England, died 1996
Josef Klaffki, Germany, died 18.5.1997
Frederica Manfredini, Italy, died 6.8.1997
Marcel Stussi, Switzerland, 9.6.1943 - 12.8.1997
Edgardo Antonio Vigo, Argentinia, 28.12.1928 - 4.11.1997
Buster Cleveland, USA, 1943 - 6.5.1998
Dick Higgins, UK/US/Canada, 1938 - 1998
Wolf Vostell, Germany, 14.10.1932 - 3.4.1998
Brian Lane, England, 1942 - 1999
Martin Bernhardt, Germany, 22.11.961 - 24.10.2000
Norman Solomon (Mr Postcards), USA, died 2000
Harry Fox, England, 1935 - 2000
David Cole, USA, died 19.4.2000
Gyula Mate, Hungary, 1933-2000
Robin Crozier, England, 21.12.1936 - 2001
Wolfgang Eigendorf, Germany, 7.5.1954 - 22.2.2002
Ivan Preissler, Czech Republic, 28.4.1953 - 1.4.2002
Cornelius (Kees) Francke, Holland, 18.9.1952 - 24.6.2002
Joseph W. Huber, Germany, 26.6.1951 - 5.8.2002
Lon Spiegelman, USA, died 13.12.2002
Turk LeClair, died 2004
Bern Porter, USA, 14.2.1911 - 7.6.2004
Friedrich Winnes, Germany, 21.7.1949 - 1.5.2005
Marilyn Dammann (Shadow), USA, 1934 - 22.5.2005
Carlo Pittore, USA, 1943 - 17.7.2005
John Upton, Scotland, died 29.9.2005
Baudhuin Simon, Belgium, 29.8.1947 - 9.3.2006
Piermario Ciani, Italy, 19.6.1951 - 3.7.2006
Klaus Sobolewski, Germany, 4.8.1962 - 3.7.2006
Gianluca Lerici (Professor Bad Trip), Italy, died Nov 2006
Jose-Carlos Beltran, Spain, 1953 - 2006
Johannes J. Musolf, Germany, died 5.10.2008
Judith Hoffberg, USA, 1934 - 17.1.2009
Ennio Pauluzzi, ArtEnnius, Italy, died 18.10.2010
John Evans, USA, 1932 - 5.10.2012
Christine Tarantino, USA, 3.12.1948 - 7.12.2012
Shozo Shimamoto, Japan, 22.1.1928 - 25.1.2013
Blaster Al Ackerman, USA, 1939 - 25.1.2013
Albrecht/d, Germany, 21.4.1944 - 12.2.2013
Helmut Zielke, Germany, 1938 - March, 2013
Patricia Tavenner, USA, 22.3.1935 - 10.5.2013
Gunther Ruch, Switzerland, 1942 - 20.8.2013
Aloys Ohlmann, Germany, 9.3.1938 - 16.9.2013
Rea Nikonova, Russia, 25.6.1942 - 10.3.2014
Eleanor Kent, USA, 1931 - 17.7.2014
Richard Larter, Australia, 19.5.1929 - 25.7.2014
Alice Kitselman (Dragonfly Dream), USA, 1961 - 2014
Serge Segay, Russia, 19.3.1947 - 21.9.2014
Guido Vermeulen, Belgium, 6.3.1954 - 23.9.2014
William S. Wilson, USA, 7.4.1932 - 1.2.2016
Harley (Terra Candella), USA, 15.10.1940 - 10.1.2017
Diane Horn, USA, died 2017
Arturo Giuseppe Fallico, USA, 22.11.1952 - 8.3.2017
Norbert Koczorski, Germany, 1953 - March 2018
Tiziana Baracchi, Italy, 1952 - 7.5.2018
Guy Schraenen, Belgium, 5.5.1941 - 9.11.2018
Hans Hess, Germany, 31.1.1951 - 10.2.2019
Pawel Petasz, Poland, 1951 - 11.4.2019
Peter W. Kaufmann, Germany, 4.7.1945 - 12.10.2019
Dobrica Kamperelic, Serbia, 1947 - 17.1.2020
Johan van Geluwe, Belgium, 8.5.1929 - 28.1.2020
Dawn Redwood, England, died March 2020
Paul Tiilila, Finland, 22.10.1931 - 12.7.2020
Friedhelm Schultz, Germany, 1933 - December 2020
Renee Bouws, Netherlands, 7.10.1939 - 21.11.2021
E F Higgins III, USA, 10.11.1949 - 16.12.2021
Dmitry Babenko, Russia, died February 2022
Graciela Gutierrez-Marx, Argentina, 4.4.1945 - 30.1.2022
Rainer Luck, Germany, 1946 - 31.12.2022
Mogens Otto Nielsen, Germany, 1945 - 2.3.2023
H R Fricker, Switzerland, 9.8.1947 - 6.5.2023
buZ blurr, USA, 23.8.1943 - 26.1.2024
Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt, Germany, 8.2.1932 - 26.2.2024
Ben Vautier, France, 18.7.1935 - 5.6.2024
Anna Banana, Canada, 24.11.1940 - 29.11.2024
Mark Pawson, England, September 1964 - March 2025